Why the PureCraft™ formula is the perfect mix for the craft sector

The summer of 2021 saw AB Mauri launch the dedicated PureCraft brand, with a proposition that was developed from a clear understanding of researched consumer trends that culminated in a range of premium mixes for the craft and artisan bakery sector.

Evidenced by exhaustive research into what our craft customers and their consumers want, today PureCraft is delivering technically superior confectionery ingredients, with a laser guided focus on two key demands that drive consumer buying:

First – the demand for excellent product characteristics – fantastic texture, stunning taste, great mouthfeel and a truly eye catching appearance.

Second – the recognition that the range must be able to meet the latest hot consumer trends – from Vegan or plant based to lower sugars, salt and fats, right through to gluten free.

Vital to both of these aspects is the need to ensure there is zero compromise in the delivery of these core demands – enabled by the expertise of PureCraft’s in-house technical resources that leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of quality, innovation and reliability.

Allied to this, the PureCraft proposition also adds further value – plus additional differentiated advantages – to our customers through a focus on the wholesome ingredients that today’s consumers rightly expect. 

We’re talking natural rather than artificial flavours, eggs that are free range, chocolate and lemon that's actually “real” chocolate and lemon, with all our ingredients sustainably sourced – as validated by Free Trade. 

As to our plant based/vegan offerings – they are fully approved by the Vegan Society too.

Fast forward to 2022 and PureCraft is implementing a formula that adds up to perfection - for our consumers and their customers alike.

Isn’t it time you enjoyed a slice of our success?


Artisanal excellence - every time - thanks to PureCraft


Make Veganuary work for your business and your customers - all year round - with PureCraft